Prepare Your Virtual Audience

Boring...yeah, it's not what we're going for.

But how many times have you approached a virtual experience with a great sense anticipation? Think about how you're normally prepared for these events. The email usually reads something like this. 
"Join the webinar by clicking the link below. There will be a Q&A at the end of the session. Please put your questions in the chat and we'll forward these questions to the facilitator. Due to time constraints, we may not get to every question."
You join the webinar. The course doesn’t demand much of your attention, so you're able to check your email, text messages and LinkedIn profile. You keep up by reading through the bulleted items on the presenter’s slides. And, since everyone’s cameras are off, it doesn’t matter if you look at the screen or do push-ups. No one on the call notices. At the end, the moderator takes two questions and let's everyone know that an email will follow with a link to the recording.

A humanized experience? Hm.

But what if the email contained a message like the one below? 
How would you feel after reading this message? "Oh no, another typical virtual call?" No way!  The facilitator wants to see and hear you. You're expected to listen and share your own insights. There are handouts available that will keep your learning on track and...whoa!'re going to learn new skills! Get out! 

That's some pretty big expectations

If you are a designer, developer or facilitator of virtual training, you know that this kind of message is a pretty tall order. How are you going to live up to those expectations? 
Join the Story-based Virtual Training Workshop and practice facilitating virtual experiences that you learners will look forward to attending!
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