Instructional Story Design

This 30-minute movie was created to give a foundational understanding of what Story Design is to save the world. It's pretty funny. So, if you have half an hour, grab some popcorn, settle back and enjoy THE MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE OF STORY!


As an Instructional designer, you have a particular advantage in storytelling for training, because you are very good at analysis, design and development. Story Design is a methodology that draws upon sound instructional design. The characters, the conflict the plot lines are all right there in the information you’ve collected for instruction.

Instructional Story Design is over 300 pages of instruction, exercises, job aids, tools and loads of story examples to support you as you implement Story Design principles. No matter what your experience level is as an instructional designer, Story Design is a competency that can be mastered. It can become second nature. With the process of Story Design on your side, you won’t have problems keeping up with the pace of business. You’ll be creating stories at warp speed.
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Put Instructional Story Design into practice

The Instructional Story Design Experience

A six-week blended learning experience for instructional designers. Practice every step of the process with IDs from around the globe. 
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Write your awesome label here.
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At the core of the book is a model that has been used by countless talent development professionals. It's simple, comprehensive and easily keeps pace with the speed of business. 


Many books tell us that stories are great for training. This book tells you how to do it, complete with practice throughout each phase, you'll get plenty of hands-on experience discovering, designing and delivering stories for training.


Each step in the Story Design model is supported by robust job aids, worksheets and a complete Instructional Story Design Plan. When you purchase the book, you also get access to editable downloads of these resources. 


What would a book on Story Design be without stories? You'll get to know Dayna, James, Randall and Fayette and the characters that emerge from Dayna's latest project. You'll read stories of fiction, non-fiction and metaphor. The book models the model. You'll learn a lot through stories. 


"This book will help you create brilliant instructional stories."

karl kapp
Professor Instructional Technology, Co-founder
Bloomsberg University

"Whether you're a novice instructional designer or a talent development professional with plenty of notches in your training belt, read this book."

Bonnie endicott
Vice President Human Resources
Zachry Group

"An elegant melding of learning design with story basics..."

 clark quinn

"Now any instructional designer can write compelling stories for training."

 connie malamed
The eLearning Coach

Win Over Stakeholders

Having trouble convincing stakeholders that stories are a good idea for training? 

Christmas Surprise

It's Christmas Eve. The course she's creating is missing something....

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